Safe Body, Safe Mind
At Pathways Treatment Center we believe that feeling safe and regulated within your own body is the foundation for relationships with yourself and with others. Many people struggle with feeling like they are in constant fight, flight or freeze. This affects their ability to feel safe, think, and develop. It is at the basis of many other symptoms like anxiety, sensory disorder, demand avoidance, learning difficulties and relationship issues. Calming the nervous system is at the foundation of healing these issues.
Our primary reflexes are meant to protect our bodies in times of great stress. Sometimes, however, those primary reflexes do not integrate properly, or remain in the protection mode for too long. It is very difficult to be open to learning, interacting and living optimally when the primary reflexes are not integrated. Our primary reflexes are active at a sub-cortical level in the brain. This means it is not controlled by our conscious brain. At Pathways Treatment Center, we use therapy methods that target these centers of the brain to optimize integration and create space for our conscious brain to work their best.
Masgutova Neuro Sensory Motor Reflex Integration (MNRI)
MNRI is the most comprehensive integration program for primary reflexes. As a Core Specialist and an Instructor in MNRI, Amy can help you know if you or your loved one would benefit from primary reflex integration. MNRI is appropriate for autism spectrum disorder, anxiety, learning difficulties, developmental delays, sensory integration, trauma, cerebral palsy, and many other symptoms that impact quality of life. Take a look at Amy's page to learn more.
Craniosacral, SSP and Listening Therapies
Craniosacral Therapy is a way of improving structure and function of the nervous system through a gentle hands-on approach. CST helps the nervous system communicate more effectively to facilitate regulation, safety, and connection using a bottom-up approach. We also offer therapeutic support through use of music therapies including: The Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP), the iLs Focus Program and The Therapeutic Listening Program. Take a look at Katie's page to learn more.
S2C (Spelling to Communicate) is an organized way to help those who are non/minimal or unreliable speakers with communication learn to use a letter based system to communicate flexibly. This methodology teaches individuals with sensory, movement and regulation differences purposeful motor control as they point to letters on a letterboard so that they can communicate with others. As they continue to utilize the boards, the new neural pathways that have developed become permanent and the individual is able to achieve limitless and reliable communication. Take a look at Lourdes' page to learn more.
Customized Therapy
Every individual is appreciated and loved for who they are at Pathways Treatment Center. No diagnosis defines a person. Diversity is celebrated and valued here. The goal of therapy at Pathways Treatment Center is to improve a person’s quality of life, not to change or suppress their individuality. I value all identities, ethnicities and religions here. An individualized therapeutic path is created for each person/family at Pathways Treatment Center. It is my honor to have the opportunity to be a part of that healing path.